Python flask download file button

Recent postings from Python-related blogs.

30 Nov 2018 r/flask: Flask is a Python micro-framework for web development. Flask is I'm trying to get a very simple flask application to provide a link to download a file, but 

Flask download file and redirect to another template. I want to send a file back to the user and redirect then to a template page with a message saying it's done, but I can do one or the other but not both. Either by just sending the file or giving them a button or link to download it from, though the preference would be just to send it as a one button click process is definitely best for this

2019년 2월 11일 file을 stream으로 만들어서 그 stream을 바로 다운받는 방식(서버에 파일이 저장되지 않습니다); file을 static

2019년 2월 11일 file을 stream으로 만들어서 그 stream을 바로 다운받는 방식(서버에 파일이 저장되지 않습니다); file을 static

Python Flask tutorial showing IntelliSense, debugging, and code navigation support in Visual Studio Code, the best Python IDE.

Значит, flask знает корень (ну или у него по умолчанию). Медиа файлы записываются в другую директорию рядом. Надо что-то в